Coronavirus Information
Covid 19 Vaccination Programme
NHSLanarkshire are currently starting to invite people aged 80 and over for their COVID 19 vaccine. There is no need to do anything until you are contacted - this will be by telephone.
For up to date information in Lanarkshire please visit:
Information is available at
National Covid Vaccine Line
- 0800 028 2816 – general advice about covid
- 0800 030 8013 – vaccine appointing queries
You should contact NHS Scotland if you think you should have received an invitation to your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointment by now, or if you have lost your invitation letter. You can do this by completing an online form.
Contact form
You should use the form to provide contact details and an explanation of why you think you should have received an invitation.
This will help NHS Scotland to confirm your eligibility and get back to you with a letter or information on how to arrange your vaccination appointment.
Before you complete this form, check that you:
- fit into one of the priority groups currently being invited for vaccination (groups 1 – 6)
- live in an NHS health board area that recommends contacting them via this form
Unpaid Carers & Vaccination
The self-registration portal for unpaid carers can be found at

It is important that everyone continues to follow the national FACTS guidance:
F – face covering
A – avoid crowded places
C – clean hands and surfaces regularly
T – two metres distance from other people
S – self-isolate and book a test if you have covid-19 symptoms (new continuous cough, fever or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste)
Practice Update
If you have a cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell or fever please do not attend the surgery but call the usual surgery telephone number to allow us to deal with your enquiry while maintaining patient safety. Please check NHS inform website for the most up to date information. If the practice is closed please call NHS 111.
For more advice and up to date information including how to get tested please check NHS Inform Scotland.
Access. Doors at both sites are open. We would appreciate patients only attending the practice when no other option is available. This is to maintain reduced footfall to ensure safety of all patients and staff during the current pandemic.
Self care. Please visit NHS inform for information on numerous medical issues. Your community pharmacy can also help with a number of conditions. As of 29th July 2020 all residents in Scotland are eligible for free medication under the NHS Pharmacy First scheme (previously known as Minor Ailments). Right Care in the Right Place info
Appointments. We are currently offering face to face and telephone appointments with all clinicians.
Prescriptions. Please do not order your repeat prescriptions early (i.e. only order 3 days before your medicines are due)- prescriptions will checked and if not due will not be issued early. Please allow 72 hours for collection to enable the pharmacies to meet the demand of prescription requests. To improve patient accesss we have moved to online ordering of prescriptions. Online prescription acces is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. For further information or request access please contact the practice.
Hospital Discharges. We are aware some patients may have discharge paperwork from recent hospital admissions. If possible please scan these and email them to our practice website This will be checked regularly. Can we ask that the paper copy of the discharge script then be posted to us at the Larkhall site even if you are a Stonehouse patient (The Avon Medical Centre, 1 Academy Street, Larkhall ML9 2BJ).Our pharmacy team are based in Larkhall and are vital in us processing these requests as quickly as possible. If you are unable to email please contact the surgery for further advice.
Self certificate. If you require an isolation note for your employer please click the following link.
High risk patients. A helpline has opened for those at high risk of coronavirus who don't have existing support or internet access. If you are 70 or over, pregnant, a disabled person, receive the flu jab for medical reasons or access mental health services you can call T: 0800 111 4000.
Community Wellbeing Line. The Community Wellbeing helpline is here to help people to access food and other essential supplies from across South Lanarkshire. The helpline is available 8.45am to 4.45pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 4.15pm on Friday for South Lanarkshire residents who have been advised to stay at home for medical reasons and have no one else to help them – 0303 123 1017.
Face Mask Exemptions
Please note medical certification is NOT required.
For further information:
The Scottish Government has developed a digital and physical face covering exemption card for those who are exempt in the regulations and guidance. These cards were now available to request. The cards will be delivered by Disability Equality Scotland (DES) on behalf of the Scottish Government and are accessible at or via the free helpline on 0800 121 6240.
Adult Psychology Services
Lanarkshire Mind Matters is a new public website from NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services. It aims to help improve wellbeing and make a positive difference to people’s lives, during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
The site provides information about how Psychological Services can help people – and how people can help themselves. This includes links to computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy modules (cCBT) and other evidence-based resources.
It will be developed continually, with the next planned resource being a five-part online course called Calm Distress.
You can visit Lanarkshire Mind Matters at:
Mental Health Self Care
We are aware many of our patients who may or may not struggle with their mental health normally might be suffering from anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic. We have provided some self care resources which we hope will be useful. We are keen that our patients and their families know how to protect both their mental health and their physical health in the coming weeks and months.
We have attached information from NHSL psychological therapies service and from SAMH the Scottish Association for Mental Health.